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Phasing out Recurring Schedules
Phasing out Recurring Schedules
Adam Thompson avatar
Written by Adam Thompson
Updated over a week ago

Why are Recurring Schedules being phased out?

  • To eliminate confusion. There was always a learning curve to understanding the difference between Recurring and Priority Schedules and how they worked together. So instead of having two different types, we've eliminated Recurring Schedules and now simply refer to it as "Schedules."

  • To allow easier editing from Register. Recurring Schedules were limited in their functionality and often users could get frustrated not knowing why they couldn't edit certain time slot settings from Register.

  • To make it easier to create Schedule Templates. Creating Schedule Templates were confusing and could only be done from a Recurring Schedule or from a Priority Schedule that was exactly 7 days (Sun - Sat). Now you can create a Schedule Template from scratch.

A new shortcut tool

To help alleviate not having Recurring Schedules, any changes you now make to a time slot can be applied to all or select weeks in your schedule.

For example, before this shortcut tool, if you had a schedule that spanned 2 months and wanted to change the price for every Friday at 2:00 PM, you would have needed to go to every Friday at 2:00 PM to make that change.

Now with this tool, you can go to any Friday at 2:00 PM, and apply that change to any or all Friday's at 2:00 PM.

Planning for future availability

Because there are no longer Recurring Schedules, you will need to be intentional about making sure there is availability in the future. We'll soon be coming out with more tools to help you easily keep track and add future availability.

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