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Creating Internal Discounts
Creating Internal Discounts

This article will describe how to create a predefined activity, merchandise or photo discount.

Bryan Dickson avatar
Written by Bryan Dickson
Updated over a week ago


Predefined discounts in Singenuity allow you to reduce the price of activities, merchandise items, or photos internally. These discounts have adjustable permission levels and can be set to require a manager's passcode. Unlike promo codes, predefined discounts are only available for internal use and are not accessible to customers booking online. You can create discounts with set percentages or dollar amounts for easy application, or issue custom discounts as needed.

This walkthrough will help you understand how to create predefined discounts.

Creating a Predefined Discount

To begin creating a new discount, navigate to the Settings tab. Select Settings to reveal new options on the left-hand side. Click on Discounts.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Select Discount Type:

    • Choose whether you are creating a discount for an activity rate, a merchandise item, or a photo. For this example, we will use the activity option. Select Activities.

    • You will see a list of your current predefined activity discounts. To create a new discount, click the blue +New button.

  2. Name your Discount

    • Enter a name for the discount. This name will be displayed when adding a predefined discount to an order.

  3. Set Status to Active:

    • Toggle the status to Active. Active discounts are available for application to orders, while inactive discounts are not. Inactive discounts are only visible in the admin panel.

  4. Select Discount Type:

    • Decide if the discount will be percentage-based or amount-based. Click the grey bar labeled Select Discount Type and choose your desired type.

  5. Enter SKU (Optional):

    • If applicable, enter a SKU number. Having the SKU number accessible near your point of sale allows for easy scanning and application of the discount. This field is optional and can be left blank.

  6. Require Note:

    • Decide if this discount requires a note. If toggled on, the system will prompt you to leave a booking note when applying the discount to an order.

  7. Automatic Discount:

    • Toggle this if you would like the discount to be applied automatically to orders with a certain number of rates.

  8. Can Be Combined:

    • Toggling this on allows multiple discounts to be applied to the same order simultaneously.

  9. Assign to Activities:

    • Go to the Activities section. Here, you will see a list of all your current activities. Select the activities to which this discount could be applied to.

    • For each selected activity, toggle the status to Active. Set the discount amount (percentage or dollar) for each applicable rate.

    • Click Save Changes after entering the desired amounts.

  10. Final Steps:

    • After saving, your discount will be created and active. You may need to relaunch your iOS app or refresh the web admin to see and use the new discount.


With your new predefined discount set up, you can now apply it to relevant activities, merchandise items, or photos while creating or editing existing orders.

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