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Confirmation Email
Adam Thompson avatar
Written by Adam Thompson
Updated over a week ago


The order confirmation email is not only the customer's receipt, but a great way to make sure the customer has all the need-to-know information at their fingertips before their experience with you.

When is the confirmation email sent?

A order confirmation is automatically emailed when an new activity order is completed. If there are new activities added to an existing order, you will be prompted and can decide to send or not send an updated confirmation email.

What's included in the confirmation email?

The confirmation email is a snapshot of the entire order, and intelligently includes the correct section based on what activities are on the order. For example, let's say you have two different activities on an order and one requires waivers and one does not; the confirmation email will automatically include the waiver link for the activity that requires waivers.

Headers and footers are global settings and appear in every confirmation email across all activities. If you desire to have activity-specific information shown on a confirmation email, you can add an activity-specific footer.


Appears by default

Your logo


QR code ticket

Yes, if applicable

Link to complete waivers

Yes, if applicable

Link to manage order (reschedule, cancel, etc)


Header for important information

No; text can be added in Settings > Emails > Confirmation

Receipt portion with customer details, breakdown of activities and payments


Footer for more important information

No; text can be added in Settings > Emails > Confirmation

Activity-specific footer

No; text can be added in Products > Activities > [select activity] > Emails & Texts > Confirmation

Internal-only QR code that can be scanned in Register for quick order look up


How to resend a confirmation email

From within an order, click on Resend Confirmation.

From here you can view the email, open in a new tab, add a one-time custom message that will appear at the very top of the email, and elect to send or not send the email to any predefined emails that are set to be forward a copy (see next section for more about this).

Forwarded Emails

You can set an email(s) to automatically receive a copy of every confirmation email. This may be helpful for two different businesses that partner and offer a package together. This is different than operators choosing to be notified by email for every new booking.

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